Preparing for an NCUA MBL Exam – Recording


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Duration: 60 minutes

The examination process can be stressful and challenging. With years of experience in helping credit unions manage this process, CUBG has the expertise to help you successfully navigate your next exam.

This webinar from July 15, 2021 provides successful strategies to help you prepare for and manage the business lending examination process. We discuss:

  • The examiner perspective and how they look at your portfolio
  • Pursuing a cooperative approach
  • Staying organized and proactively managing risks
  • How to best communicate during the exam
  • Managing examiner feedback constructively (even if you disagree)

Plus, learn how to establish a relationship with your examiner and the key steps you should take after your examination is complete.

Purchase Terms & Conditions
After the order is approved, you’ll receive an email with links to download the education materials. After you download, you will be able to save the files to your shared network and use the training for your credit union going forward.